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The Dental TENS device (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) is the ideal device for relieving pain in the oral cavity. If you are faced with such things as pain when yawning, bruxism, spasm of the jaws, malocclusion, discomfort in the jaw muscles and other unpleasant phenomena associated with the wrong position of the jaw, curing procedures with the innovative TENS device are the ideal solution.

The TENS device looks like a bundle of electrodes connected by wires and controlled remotely. The specialist selects the amplitude of the influence and the balance of the electrical effect on the client’s muscles. In order for the device to work correctly and without failure, and the procedure to be done correctly and safely, the patient cannot use gadgets during the process.

TENS therapy is the first step before starting a comprehensive orthodontic treatment.

The principle of using of the Dental Tens device is:

1. The specialist determines the optimal position of the lower jaw. The electrodes are fixed in the cervical region and in the jaw cavities. This allows to affect gently the accessory, the trigeminal and the facial nerves of the skull.

2. The myostimulation produced by the device is aimed at shrinking of muscle fibers. This allows to get rid of spasm in tight muscles and increase blood flow to the aching spot.

3. During the process, the doctor checks how often the muscles shrink. Basing on it, he corrects the balance of impulses of the electrodes to transmit to the right and left sides.

The session lasts from 40 minutes to 1 hour. As soon as the doctor has determined the correct position of the lower jaw, he begins to fix it with prostheses and a splint system.

You need a complex of treatment with the Dental TENS device, if:

1. Constant or periodical pain in a jaw.

2. Muscular hypertonicity.

3. Night snoring.

4. Wrong bite.

5. Immobile or weakly moving lower jaw.

No need to endure pain and discomfort in the mouth. The Digital Dentistry Clinic “KALIBRA” invites you to the restorative procedures using the innovative Dental TENS device. The procedures take place in a comfortable environment, and after the first session the patient feels significant relief.