Recommendations for patients
Recommendations for patients after tooth removal
Removal (extraction) of a tooth is a small operation. To keep the healing process smooth and fast, always follow the doctor’s recommendations and the following rules:
remove the gauze swab in 20-30 minutes after tooth extraction;
on the day of surgery, do not drinki and eat for 2-3 hours. A clot should form in the hole. Eating food and drinks can disrupt the clot formation process;
for 3 days, exclude rough, spicy, hot food. This food can injure the hole, and hot food can increase blood flow and increase postoperative inflammation and edema;
for 2-3 days, refuse from the bath, hot bath, sauna, high physical activity, because this can lead to the increasing of pressure and loss of a blood clot; do not injure the hole, do not try to rinse or clean it. If you notice something in the area of the operation that confuses you, do not try to remove it yourself. Go to see a doctor;
you can not rinse the area of the hole. This can lead to leaching of the clot and infection of the hole; thorough oral hygiene is essential. It is necessary to brush your teeth 2 times a day, with a minimum amount of toothpaste, bypassing the area of the extracted tooth, trying not to damage the socket of the extracted tooth;
you cannot warm the area of surgery (put hand on the cheek, sleep on the cheek), use heat compresses. This leads to the increasing of blood flow and serious complications;
you can not open your mouth widely and make mimic movements if stitches have been imposed – they can disperse;
pain in the area of operation. The most painful period is 1-2 hours after removal. Take pain relievers, recommended by your doctor.
swelling of the soft tissues of face on the side of removal. Most often it happens after a complex removal, removal of wisdom teeth. The cause is post-traumatic inflammation. Edema should be monitored and if it increases, go to see a doctor. Never heat the area of the extracted tooth! Complete all doctor’s appointments.
“bruise” on the skin on the removal side. It appears after the edema decreases or disappears. Most often happens to patients with high blood pressure or after difficult removal.
painful opening of the mouth. It happens after the removal of the lower wisdom teeth.
increasing of body temperature in the evening to 38 degrees Celsius, decreasing in the morning to normal or slightly higher value. This reaction suggests that body is fighting with the inflammatory process, because this is a protective reaction of body.
pain intensifies and (or) persists, is not relieved by pain meds;
bleeding from the area of surgery appears, increases and (or) persists;
edema of soft tissues persists or increases,
Difficulty, painful swallowing and (or) opening the mouth;
persistent, prolonged increasement of body temperature;
skin numbness appeared on the side of the removal;
You need to know that any surgical interventions are best done during the period of rest, do not wait for an exacerbation of the disease, since any manipulation becomes unpleasant, and the healing process takes longer.
Recommendations for patients after implantation
You need to know that any surgical interventions are best done during a rest period, do not wait for an exacerbation of the disease, since any manipulation becomes unpleasant, and the healing process lasts longer.
Recommendations for patients after sinuslifting
You need to know that any surgical interventions are best done during a rest period, do not wait for an exacerbation of the disease, since any manipulation becomes unpleasant, and the healing process lasts longer.
Recommendations for patients after fixing brackets
You need to know that any surgical interventions are best done during a rest period, do not wait for an exacerbation of the disease, since any manipulation becomes unpleasant, and the healing process lasts longer.
Recommendations for patients after sedation (treatment while sleeping)
You need to know that any surgical interventions are best done during a rest period, do not wait for an exacerbation of the disease, since any manipulation becomes unpleasant, and the healing process lasts longer.