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Diagnostics and treatment strategy

CT (Computed tomography)

Computed tomography (CT) is one of the most accurate diagnostic methods in modern dentistry. Unlike an X-ray image, this type of examination gives a three-dimensional (3D) model in several projections, which displays complete information about the condition of the teeth and the maxillofacial area. Modern digital equipment allows such diagnostics to be carried out without the risk of errors or distortion of the results.

Benefits of computed tomography:

the examination is performed quickly (the procedure takes less than a minute);

no need for preliminary preparation;

safety (minimal exposure);

high quality pictures.

Orthopantomography (OPG)

A panoramic dental image is an orthopantomography or OPG, a general digital two-dimensional (2D) image of the upper and lower jaws. It allows you to get a picture of the condition of teeth, dental canals and bone tissue in general.

Teleradiography (TRG)

Teleradiography (TRG) is a type of diagnostics that is mostly effective when it is necessary to correct the bite, correct the position of the teeth, total prosthetics or in the case of injuries of the maxillofacial region. Modern equipment gives minimal radiation exposure, so the procedure is safe, but during pregnancy it is prescribed only in need.

Indications for teleradiography:

to determine the factors influencing on the wrong bite;

to research the characteristics of the cranial bones;

to determine the direction of displacement of teeth;

to identify individual characteristics of growth, anatomical structure or pathologies of the dentition;

for intermediate control of the effectiveness of treatment;

while planning total prosthetics.

The advantages of teleradiography (TRG):

maximal information for orthodontists;

safety of the procedure due to the use of modern digital equipment;

the TRG procedure takes a few time, that allows you to make a fast research of data, determine the diagnosis and start planning of the treatment.


A target image of the tooth (radiovisiography) is a type of dental diagnostics that is carried out using a digital X-ray machine (radiovisiograph) and is highly informative for the dentist. Modern equipment has a very low level of radiation, so it is allowed for diagnostics during pregnancy and lactation. A target image makes it possible to see hidden processes, to confirm the diagnosis, and to control the quality of canals' treatment.


The photoprotocol helps to achieve high aesthetic results. The doctor examines in detail the condition of the teeth and facial features in general. We take photos at all stages of the patient's diagnosis and treatment. Dental photography objectively reflects the general condition of teeth and periodontal tissues, allows to evaluate the aesthetics of smile.


Face-scan is a scanner for photorealistic 3D digitizing of face contours and forecasting of a future smile. Photorealistic scanning by face scanner enables the creation of future restorations that fully match to the patient's physiognomy.


Diagnostics and treatment of pathologies associated with occlusion of the jaws, work of the muscles of a jaw and the temporomandibular joint. It has to stimulate the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, masticatory muscles in order to find the optimal position of the lower jaw.


Computer system for clinical diagnosis and analysis of occlusal contacts (contacts while the upper and lower jaws are being closed). T-SCAN diagnostics allows a deep analysis of the bite, helps to identify minimal deformities at the level of the general dentition.

Inraoral scanner

With its help, it is possible to obtain a three-dimensional image of the real situation in the oral cavity for use in diagnostics, in choosing a patient's rehabilitation strategy and during treatment.